Unary Theory

Unary Theory questions what constitutes “1”?
The only thing that allows “1” to exist is “0”.

“1” is the “whole” by which we measure amounts or values. When you’re working in any given “unit”, “1” represents the full amount.
1 can always be broken up, or grouped with other “things” though.  A grain of sand is individual, but part of a beach, which is part of a landmass.

Unary looks at the whole and its parts.

The smallest components of Unary are the UNIT (1) and the ZENIT (0), with nothing binding them together.
Once those things are combined, you can have BiUnary and TriUnary as well.


We normally use BiUnary (2), which dictates “two halves make a whole”, and we write our fractions as “1/1”
There is also TriUnary (3), which dictates that “three thirds make a whole.” and a fraction is composed of 3 parts (1/1/1)
PiUnary takes this same idea, and makes “Pi” the smallest unit… so on and so forth.

It turns “1” into a landmark of your choosing. Using different values for “1” highlights various numeric relationships that are invisible in our current model. Much like we can’t see beyond the visible spectrum of light without the use of technology, our Hindu-Arabic numerals only allow us to see through a “Base-10, BiUnary filter”.




In Binary, “1” represents “ON”.

It is action, it is what makes things different. It’s why we count “O O” as “two O’s”.
It is an expression of potential, and is an active, present state.

 It is also anything we choose to represent a “whole”. You can count “1” person, or “1” country. You still view a country as a whole, even though it may have 2 million people. Our brains have a knack for combining information, and we can scale “up” or “down” quite easily, depending on the context.

Anything that is “1” can be broken down into various parts, which may or may not represent the whole.
As a person, you have a face and body. A picture of your face without your body still represents your “whole”.
As a person, you also have kidneys. A picture of your kidneys does not represent you, unless you have very iconic kidneys. In which case, congratulations.

 “1” is an interesting number because it allows things to “be”, but also allows for variation

 It allows things to “be” because 1 multiplied by any number, will always equal that number ( 1 x 7 = 7), but if you add “1”, the resulting number will always be ever so slightly different. Every piece of sand on the beach makes the beach, but some are made from rocks, some are made from shells. Each of them are made of untold number of atoms, as each of us also is.


This is the definition I am using when speaking about any kind of “Unit”



In Binary, “0” represents “OFF”

It’s the direct opposite of 1, and is always smaller and larger than 1.
It is a latent, conservative state. It is a calm pool of water. It is is pure potential. It is everything that 1 is not.

Let’s say you have a bowl (1), the bowl is empty (0).
You can put anything inside the bowl. You put some pasta in the bowl (+1), now it is no longer empty.
If you want to use the bowl again, the sensible thing to do is empty it first (1-1=0).

But let’s say you don’t want to do that, “0” is fine with that. It doesn’t stop you. It will let you pour a gallon of milk into the bowl, which may overflow onto the table, floor, and carpet.  You could bring the hose in from outside and to clean up the milk, and flood the room. Just because you can do these things, doesn’t mean you should, or ever will.

For this reason, “0” represents this emptiness and infinite potentiality. It provides no resistance and is completely neutral.


Another illustration for “0” is a mirror. What does a mirror look like?

It looks like its surroundings (1).
0 added with any number allows that number to “be” itself. So 0 + 5 = 5…
But 0 multiplied or divided by any number will always equal 0.  In this way, a mirror has no appearance of its own, and its appearance can change moment-to-moment.

When you look in the mirror, there are two images of you. One that holds mass (you), and one that does not (your image). If you add more mirrors, you can create an infinite number of virtual images from your single, “real” self. There will be no traces left of you when you’ve left, and the next person who looks in the mirror will see themself instead.



BiUnary - Two Halves Make a Whole

 BiUnary is what our current numbers operate on. It is a very straightforward system which divides various “things”, but is not very stable as a Base Unit. 

In standard binary “2” is written as “10” because two units ” 1+1 ” increases the value to “10”.
In BiUnary, values are built “right to left”, with the “left-most” number holding the highest value. Every time the right-most space is filled, the next “value” will be a bundle of all the previous ones to the right.  

1+1 = 10
11 + 1 = 100
111 + 1 = 1000


Imagine a photographer trying to use a “BiPod” instead of a “TriPod”. It would fall forward or backwards immediately. You need 3 legs to create that stability. 

It is also very attached to a present “state”.

If you imagine a coin, BiUnary would ask “Is it heads or tails?” and you would have to look at the coin, and answer either “Heads” or “Tails”.



Imagine building a wall under these conditions:

Someone is handing you sets of materials, and you have to make a stable “formation” before you receive another set. You can rearrange your materials as many times as you want before they make a “complete set” and become permanent. Those “complete sets” can then be made into new shapes you can build with.

– You are being given cubes.
– They have a 1:1 ratio, and are even squares on all sides.
– A set is 2 cubes, and a complete BiUnit Set is “2 sets of 2 cubes” (4 cubes)

 You receive your first set (set “1/2”)
You can lay down your first set…
1. Stable – Wide Set them side-by-side. (2+0)
2. Unstable – Stacked One on top of the other one (1+1 = 2)

Now you’re handed your second set. (set “2/2”) 
You now have a complete set! You can now make other building materials. We’re only going to make a brick out of 2-cubes glued together (2:1), but you can also make planks (4:1, 3:1) and 2×2 “blocks”.

You continue building your wall…
1. Stable – Wide 
1a. Set them all on the ground in a row (4+0)
1b. or grid arrangement (2×2).
2. Unstable – Stacked  You could make two columns of two (2+2), or set one on top of the other (1^4=4). Either way, gravity is working against them both, and they will need external supports.
3. Stable – Pyramid You can create a stable pyramid if you set down 3 cubes on the floor in a triangle, and one on top, centered above those 3.  (3×1.5+1)

These are the materials you will use until you finish building your wall. Now read about the TriUnit and how building with that is.


TriUnary - Three Thirds Make a Whole

TriUnary, in contrast to BiUnary, requires an additional value before it is considered a complete unit.

In TriUnary “0+1+1” equals “2/3″ and ” 1+1+1 ” = 3/3
Before 3, there are no composite numbers. 0, 1, 2 and 3 are all Prime. Therefore, it is the “Prime Unit”, or the “TriUnit”.
When you treat numbers this way, “2” acts like a state or function, rather than a value. TriUnary increases in value symmetrically, and the value is determined as a sum of its “whole”, rather than one-for-one values.  It always wants to balance and find symmetry, and tends to assimilate values if there is nothing dividing the value.   

In binary 2 is “10”, which is not symmetrical, and “1” and “0” are different. To become balanced and symmetrical, 2 would become “010”. For this reason, 2 “inflates” and “divides”. 
In binary 3 is “11”, which is both symmetrical and balanced. As you multiply 3, 0 comes in  and separates the values.
3*2 = 6 (0110) -> “11” reduces to “1”, and you get “010” or “2”. 
3*3 = 9 (1001) -> “00” reduces to “0”, and you get “101” or “5”
This is interesting because 9+1 = 10 (01010) = 5*2 (you gain 2 “0s” to both the left and right).
Needless to say, there are lots of relational rabbit-holes that are highlighted through TriUnary symmetry 

TriUnary is a much more stable numeric model than BiUnary, because of this. BiUnary is included as a function of Triunary, and they both need each other. 
Triunary is observable all throughout nature, engineering and culture.

We have BiNocular vision (2 eyes) but only see one image. The most effective works of art utilize the “Rule of Thirds” and the Golden Ratio.
We use Triangular and “X” shaped supports constantly in bridges and buildings. We use TriPods instead of BiPods… 
We group things in “threes” to aid our memory.
We experience time through the Past-Present-Future. We could have no “present” without a past, and without a future, well, you wouldn’t be reading this, or anything after this. Likewise, we write stories with a Beginning-Middle-End, and even a “cliffhanger” can be an ending, although incomplete.

We are always in some “state” or another, and are defined by our relationships with external forces.
Try explaining “HOT” without “COLD” or “UP” without “DOWN”. These dualities are essential aspects of our world.
TriUnary would view a coin as having two sides (Heads and tails) while observing its state as one or the other (Heads or Tails).

While this concept might seem new, it’s quite common in our traditional cultures.

Yin and Yang represent this “whole” created through the interplay of opposing forces.
The Christian Godhead is also represented by the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).
Every culture that learned how to braid 3 strands together (African, Native American, Celtic, etc.)
For this reason, this numeric theory does cross some of the divide between traditional knowledge and modern, quantum science.


Imagine building a wall under these conditions:

Someone is handing you sets of materials, and you have to make a stable “formation” before you receive another set. You can rearrange your materials as many times as you want before they make a “complete set” and become permanent. Those “complete sets” can then be made into new shapes you can build with.

You’re being given bricks, which can each be broken into 2 cubes.
– The bricks are the same size as 2 cubes glued together (2:1)
– The cubes are the same size on all sides (1:1)
– You can mix and match any number of bricks and cubes, as long as you don’t exceed the total amount of “cubes” present.
A set of bricks is 3 bricks, and a complete TriUnit set is “3 sets” (3*3 = 9 cubes)

You receive your first set (set “1/3”) of 3 bricks, which can be broken into 6 cubes. In your first set, you already have more materials to work with than you have in a complete set of BiUnit Cubes

You can immediately lay your first set down…

1. Stable – Wide Set them side-by-side (3+0=3) This is a wide-foundation.
2. Stable – Pyramid  Set down two bricks, and center one above them. (2+1=3) This one grows in a sustainable manner, and is the “mid-height”. It balances growing wider and taller.
3. Unstable – Stacked Set one on top of the other (1+1+1 = 3). This one is the “tallest”and must be stabilized by external supports, or must be rearranged later into a more stable format.

Now, you get your second set of bricks. (set “2/3”).
You now have a total of 6 bricks, which can be broken into 12 cubes, in your second set you receive 3x as many “materials” as you do building with BiUnit materials… and you still have a whole other set coming! There are plenty of options for building now…
You continue building your wall….

1. Stable – Wide
1a. Set them side-by-side in a row or grid (6+0), (3×2)
1b. Set down 2 rows of 3, side by side (3×2)
1c. Set one or two on top of a solid row (5+1), (4+2)
2. Stable – Pyramid 
You can build Set 3 on the bottom, 2 centered above those, and one on top. (3+2+1=6)
3. Unstable – Stacked  You can go wrong a couple of different ways here.
3a. 3 columns of 2 bricks (3+3)
3b. 2 columns of 3 bricks (2+2+2)
3c. Continue stacking 1 on 1 (1^6=6). You’re terrible at building walls, we’re playing Jenga now.


Third set (3/3 = 1)
We now receive our third set of bricks, and have a complete set! We have a total of 9 bricks which can then be broken into 18 cubes. This is more than 4 times the amount of cubes you get in a complete set of BiUnits.  After this point, you can no longer rearrange bricks freely… but there are enough possible-material configurations to make just about anything. I could go into details about the various permutations of wall-design, but it’s the concept of the “TriUnit” that’s more important than how you use it. It is present in all areas of nature, and our culture, in various forms.